tiistai 11. marraskuuta 2008

Expat life is best in...

I recently brought up my mild enthusiasm about Singapore.

Well, it is NOT just me! An article published (already few months ago) by Forbes, presented a survey ranking countries from expatriate-point of view. And Singapore is number one, most desirable and pleasant place for an expat to reside. Below is an edited quote from the article, and some statistics below that. The bold texts are my comments, as you might have guessed :o)

Singapore has a reputation for being tough on its residents, whether it's for chewing gum, jaywalking or drugs. But if you're offered a job there, you might want to consider it very seriously. The tiny island country is the best place to live if you're an expatriate, according to a study conducted by HSBC Bank International, a Jersey-based subsidiary of the world's biggest company.

Overall, it's good news for those who get the opportunity to be posted abroad. More than half of expatriates are not only able to invest and save more, they can also spend more on shopping and socializing while abroad. The global expat population has continued to boom--according to the World Bank's Global Links Report 2007, the number of people living outside their home country has more than doubled since 1980 to 190 million--despite the weakening global economic climate, with companies continuing to bear the higher costs of foreign postings."As the world becomes increasingly globalized, companies want their managers to get a diversity of experience across the world, while employees want an opportunity to experience a lifestyle and culture different [from] their own," says Cornu."Particularly in financial hot spots, there is the potential to earn more and have a better quality of life."

The rankings are based on a study by HSBC Bank International, which surveyed 2,155 expats around the world. The responses were used to determine each country's ranking according to several criteria, including the duration the respondents stayed; their ability to command high earnings and save; having a more luxurious life than back home; and, of course, decent accommodation that didn't eat up all their earnings.

No. 1: Singapore (What did I tell you ;o)

Longevity: No. 6

Earn And Save: No. 2

Luxurious: No. 2

Accommodation: No. 1

The sweltering heat and sometimes baffling laws are more than offset by high-quality accommodations and the affordability of good private education, health care, and home help.

No. 2 (Tie): United Arab Emirates

Longevity: No. 7

Earn And Save: No. 4

Luxurious: No. 1

Accommodation: No. 4

With no income tax to pay, the largely young expat population is left with
plenty to spend on the opulent lifestyle available.

No. 2 (Tie): U.S. (This does not surprise me: it is the land of hope and glory! And now even a land of change ;o) Hell, I'd like to try it out myself)

Longevity: No. 3

Earn And Save: No. 5

Luxurious: No. 6

Accommodation: No. 2

Expats often get posted to corporate headquarters and command high salaries. Especially for Europeans, who are used to the high cost of living within the euro zone, life can get a lot more luxurious in the U.S.

No. 4: Belgium

Capital city Brussels, home of the European Union headquarters, tends to attract expats for long periods of time, while decent accommodations just a few metro stops from the city center is available and affordable.

No. 5: Hong Kong

- attracts the best-paid expats, with just under 50% earning more than 200,000 U.S. dollars a year. This allows them to save, despite the London-like cost of accommodation.

No. 6 (Tie): Germany

Expats in Germany often spent several years in their postings to corporate headquarters, but the high cost of living within the euro zone makes it a tough place to save.

No. 6 (Tie) Netherlands

Like the rest of Europe, expats in the Netherlands typically spend longer at their postings, as they tend to go to corporate headquarters.

No. 6 (Tie): Canada

- it comes to accommodations, Canada can be very affordable, with the cost of a luxurious, two-bedroom apartment in the heart of Vancouver costing $1,796 a month on average, according to Mercer.

No. 9: India

Expats in India can command high salaries while still saving, but the standard of accommodation falls short of other popular destinations.

No. 10 (Tie) Australia

Expats tend to have short stints in Australia, though it's a good place to save.

Hmmm, this has been a place of my dreams... Wonder why it is not higher than this...

No. 10 (Tie): China

Longevity: No. 13

Earn And Save: No. 7

Luxurious: No. 7

Accommodation: No. 10

Expats spend little time in China, though the relatively low cost of living and eating and drinking out still make it a good place to save.

Good place to save? Ha! Who cares about saving if you die of melamine overdose before you have a change to enjoy your monetary fortunes? But China made it this high anyway. There might be some magic in her anyway..?

No. 12 (Tie): Spain

8 The Spanish property market may be cooling, but the high cost of accommodation and tax rates makes the country the worst place when it comes to earning more and saving.

No. 12 (Tie): France

Having the whole of continental Europe at your doorstep is little compensation for extortionate rent and costs of living, reasons expats tend to spend a limited time in France.

No. 14: U.K.

High labor and accommodation costs make having home help--or luxuries such as
a swimming pool--unaffordable. All in all, it's the worst place to go if you're looking for a more luxurious life. English weather, one layered windows and the notorius english kitched? Boy, you can say that again ;o)

P.s. If you haven't seen the cooking-oil-face-lift-lady, check this out.

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